Friday, January 16, 2009

Things in the Wagstaff Household have been busy. I am currently on leave from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir while I recuperate from surgery.

Vosco is in the 8th grade and is pulling all A's and B's. This is a complete MIRACLE! It has been so nice to have him see success in the school environment. Such an answer to prayer. Actually, answer to about a million prayers.

Ruby is in the 3rd grade. Hmmm, how do we describe Ruby? Diva? Adorable? Hilarious? Pain in Vosco's rear? Yup, that works. She is also doing very well in school. Somehow, she is just like me - talks too much in class. You would think she was genetically ours. Heavenly Father makes certain the Grandmother's curse happens even through adoption. ;-)

Reed and I are preparing to play piano in the pit of Layton High School's production of
"Showboat" that will open in March. I absolutely love doing things like this with my husband. Since we have moved to SLC we haven't been able to do this nearly as much as we would like.

Probably the biggest thing in our life right now is that our very dear friend, Richard Call is receiving treatment for cancer at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We feel blessed to be able to offer a bed and some "home environment" while he is away from his own home. The Call family has always been family to us and we are grateful they are willing to stay with us during this difficult time. If there is ANYONE who can make it through this, Richard can. Please include him in your prayers.

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