Saturday, January 17, 2009


Reed and I feel so blessed..... we live in a great neighborhood with wonderful neighbors and most of all, have a great home where the door is always "open".

Tonight we have been laughing SO HARD!!!! Aubrey Call and Ruby have been playing all night. They have giggled, chas
ed, giggled some more and thrown smart remarks back and forth to each other.

Sayda, Richard and I have just laughed and laughed at their antics. Add a little Amanda Ewan and the laughter escalates to gigantic proportions!

I will post some pictures of these crazy kids tomorrow.... wish you all were here to laugh with us.


BCassFam said...

I love the blog. You Pimped it good.

DreamingOfSanDiego said...

Hey I LOVE your page!! I need to figure out how I can follow it!

SAYDA said...

Miss you friends