Saturday, January 30, 2010

Plea for Prayer

Hi Everyone.

The last few days have been interesting. I am going to ask you to invoke your faith in my son's behalf.

Normally, I don't answer my cell phone on the weekend. As I went to plug it in to charge I noticed I had missed a call from Vosco's therapist today. (For some reason, he didn't try to call on the land line.) I listened to the lengthy message and I am very concerned.

Vosco's state case worker, Lora is thinking about pulling Vosco from this home and putting him somewhere else. I guess the fact that I have brought up the medication issue has opened the floodgates on things that weren't done appropriately. Reports not being filed, chain of communication falling apart etc.

For months we have been telling the staff that if they would just make sure that he got his night time meds no later than 7:30PM his mornings would go much more smoothly. This little tidbit hasn't translated well and now they are acting like it is the first they have heard that his meds should be given well before 9PM.

Reed and I are having a difficult time maintaining patience. We feel like the last few months may have been a wash because of the medication issues. Our son is a diagnosed Bi-Polar and these folks don't seem to think that his meds (or lack thereof) should affect his behavior at all.

I don't think that there has been even one family session where I haven't voiced my concern over his medication. He hasn't had blood tests to test levels ONCE since he left our home in April. Some of his medications MUST be tested at least once every other month to make sure he is at therapeutic levels AND that they aren't too high. If the levels are too high it can cause permanent damage to his nervous system and can cause tremors in his arms, hands and legs.

The last two times we have seen him I have mentioned my concern because his hands are so shaky he can barely hold a drink without spilling. I was reassured that they had everything under control.

Obviously THEY DO NOT!

I know I have rambled on and on with no real direction in my thoughts and I apologize. I just had to get some of this out of my head and release some of the stress I have been feeling lately.

Please, please pray for our little boy. In all honesty, before the abuse was discovered, I had NO complaints about his behavior - he was a normal 14 year old boy. I want that boy back. I want him to find healing. I want him to be helped in his road to recovery, not hindered. He needs our faith and prayers. He needs us to remember him ALWAYS. Please help us.


garrynkim said...

I am just getting bits and pieces of the full story, but rest assured, you all will be in my prayers. It is a powerful tool!

SAYDA said...

We will keep him and all of you in our prayers.

Tamari said...

Oh Edye, please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and dear Vosco. Keep up the fight! We love you so much!!

Lory said...

Edye, Vosco is lucky to have you!! Stay strong! You are all in my prayers. Love ya lady!

TammyU said...

Hi Edye;

You are so unbelievably strong. I am happy that Vosco has you and you are all definitely in my prayers!