Thursday, March 5, 2009

So, it wasn't the knee that was the huge problem after all.....

Oh Joy, Oh Rapture! NOT!!!!! After not getting any sleep (literally) for about two weeks I called my doctor. My left leg has felt as though it is on fire along with near constant threat of charlie horses from hip to heel. My doctor immediately told me to call a "physiatrist" for an evaluation.

Yesterday he did some pretty extensive physical testing and determined that my L4 and L5 discs are bulging on the left side. He said that this kind of injury takes an average of 12 weeks to heal. YIPPEE!!!!!

He gave me Prednisone for swelling of the disc and pain meds to help control the pain. I finally slept last night. Now that I actually slept through the night I don't want to get up..... Sheesh, I am NEVER happy, am I? ;-)

I go back to the doc in two weeks to see if the symptoms have been reduced. If not, they will do an MRI to determine if surgery is needed. If it is, that is at least three weeks off my feet. So, that won't happen till June if necessary.


Amy said...

Edye, that bites but not in a good way! I hope you get feeling better fast!

SAYDA said...

Oh no! That's terrible. I'm really sorry you've been suffering so much.

I think those are the same disc Richie had problems with. One was bulging and one was ruptured. If you end up needing surgery, use his doctor. Dr Petersen, Nuero surgeon in SLC. He worked on the bulging one. His incision is only like 1 inch long. He went to rehearsal the next day. Our orthopedic surgeon, here in Burley said that if an orthopedic surgeon would have done it, it would have been at least a 6 inch incision.

I hope you get feeling better dear Edye.


Chelsea said...

Ack! That stinks! My prayers are with you!

SAYDA said...

Miss you more!!!! How is my Ruby?
Tell her I love her tons!
